2021 Community Needs Assessment

The Sacramento Native American Health Center, Inc. (SNAHC) is excited to share its 2021 Community Needs Assessment (CNA), which can be accessed using the links below.  CNAs are a way to get a sense of the health priorities of the community, and SNAHC conducts them every few years to be sure our services are in line with the population in Sacramento County. CNAs are often conducted using surveys, focus groups, interviews, or other pieces of information from patient records. SNAHC utilized surveys and focus groups for the 2021 CNA.

The 2021 CNA report includes background information and current needs of SNAHC patients and community members (non-patients), as well as how SNAHC plans to respond to these needs over the next few years. Importantly, the 2021 SNAHC CNA includes survey and focus group information collected during the COVID-19 pandemic — Thank you to patients and community members who generously contributed to our report during this unprecedented time.

Full CNA Report Including Focus Group Findings

CNA Focus Group Findings



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