Land Acknowledgement

This land acknowledgement can be used by SNAHC or other organizations in Sacramento County that wish to provide a culturally appropriate land acknowledgement during meetings and events.

Land Acknowledgment
The history of the Sacramento area, and the people, is rich in heritage, culture and tradition. This area was, and still is, the Tribal land of the Nisenan people. Sacramento was a gathering place for many local Tribes who have lived throughout the central valley and the foothills for generations and were the original stewards of this land. We would like to acknowledge the Southern Maidu people to the North, the Valley and Plains Miwok/ Me-Wuk Peoples to the south of the American River, and the Patwin Wintun Peoples to the west of the Sacramento River. We would also like to honor the Wilton Rancheria, the only federally recognized tribe in Sacramento County. We acknowledge that we are standing on the tribal lands of Sacramento’s Indigenous people.

What is the purpose of a land acknowledgment?
A land acknowledgment is a formal statement, a public recognition, of the Indigenous Peoples who have been dispossessed and displaced from their ancestral homelands and territories due to a variety of colonial and historical reasons. This statement acknowledges that an organization, a city, a park, or any other structure was built, and operates, on Indigenous Peoples’ ancestral homelands.

Why a Land Acknowledgment?
Today, we recognize that change can only occur in the context of truthfulness, transparency, and reconciliation around systems that have oppressed and excluded Indigenous people. We believe that education can shift historically oppressive practices to build a more inclusive and socially conscious community and society. One of the steps in this process includes asking our partners, supporters and allies to include an Indigenous Peoples land acknowledgment at every opportunity. This statement recognizes that Sacramento is the ancestral homeland of the Nisenan, Maidu, Miwok and Me-Wuk peoples, who are the Indigenous Peoples of this land, and have lived here since time immemorial.

Land acknowledgments are not about placing blame. These statements are the first step towards building a more inclusive future where we eliminate the ongoing erasure of Indigenous Peoples’ voices, lives, and history. Land acknowledgments can be an entry point and pathway for education. Our land acknowledgment statement may be your first experience hearing about the Indigenous Peoples in the area, which provides an opportunity to seed the path for learning and for respect to blossom and grow.

More Resources About Land Acknowledgments:
Guide to Indigenous Land and Territorial Acknowledgements for Cultural Institutions
Interactive Map and Guide to Territory Acknowledgements
Why Land Acknowledgments Matter


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