The Sacramento Native American Health Center, Inc. will make every attempt to involve patients in their own health care and treatment. Patients are given the opportunity to participate in decisions involving their treatment plans, except when such participation is contraindicated for patient safety reasons.
Every reasonable attempt will be made to accommodate patients. We will attempt to honor requests for alternative therapies that may not achieve maximum results, but can be compromised on, as long as they are deemed responsible.
Our staff is available to answer any questions you might have.
You are expected to cooperate with all health center personnel, and are expected to ask questions if directions and/or procedures are not clearly explained or understood.
You are expected to be considerate of other patients and health center personnel and to maintain control of yourself, your family members and children. You are also expected to be respectful of the health center’s property and the property of other persons.
In order to facilitate your care, you are expected to assist the health care providers in their efforts to care for you by following instructions.
It is your responsibility to keep all appointments. If you are unable to keep a scheduled appointment, it is your responsibility to notify the Sacramento Native American Health Center, Inc. at least 24 hours in advance.
Be on time for your appointment. Patients are encouraged to arrive at least 15 minutes prior to their scheduled appointment. When you arrive on time for your appointment, it helps the staff to ensure that all patients are seen on time. If you do arrive late, you may be rescheduled for another time or day.
It is understood that you assume the financial responsibility of paying for all services rendered at the Health Center. You may utilize third party payors, such as private insurance or Medi-Cal, or you will be personally responsible for any payment of costs incurred for your treatment(s). In the event that you should require hospitalization, Sacramento Native American Health Center, Inc. is not financially responsible or obligated to pay for expenses related to your hospitalization.
It is expected that you will take any medications that have been prescribed to you, and that you will not complicate or endanger the healing process by consuming alcoholic beverages or illicit drugs during or before your visit. In the event that you do take drugs not prescribed by your physician, please be honest, as it is extremely important to your health and safety.
The Sacramento Native American Health Center, Inc. expects that you and your family will provide accurate information about your health history including illnesses, hospitalizations, and medications (prescribed or otherwise) in order to effectively determine a treatment plan that best suits your individual healthcare needs.
As a health care provider, the Sacramento Native American Health Center, Inc. is committed to delivering quality medical care. The following “Statement of Rights” was developed by Sacramento Native American Health Center, Inc. and is endorsed by the board of directors, administration, health care professionals and other staff of this facility.
Our goal is to provide healthcare services that are culturally competent, effective and considerate of the patients we serve. We submit these to you as a statement of our policies:
A patient has the right to dignified, respectful, considerate care given by competent and qualified personnel.
A patient has the right, upon request, to be given the name of his/her health care professional as well as the names of all other professionals directly participating in his/her care.
A patient has the right to every consideration of his/her privacy concerning his/her own health care program. Case discussions, consultation, examination, and treatments are considered confidential.
A patient has the right to have all records pertaining to his/her healthcare treated as confidential, and in accordance with HIPAA standards, except as otherwise provided by law, or third party contractual and billing arrangements.
A patient has the right to know what rules and regulations apply to his/her conduct as a patient.
A patient has the right to expect emergency procedures to be implemented without unnecessary delay.
A patient has the right to good quality care and high professional standards that are continually maintained according to National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA) standards.
A patient has the right to full information in layman’s terms concerning his/her diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis, including information about alternative treatments and possible complications. When it is not medically advisable to give such information to the patient, the information shall be given on his/her behalf to the patients’ next of kin or other appropriate person, or to a legally authorized individual in summary format.
Except for emergencies, the healthcare provider must obtain the necessary informed consent prior to the start of any procedure or treatment, or both.
A patient has the right to be advised when they are part of a research or donor program, and the patient, or legal responsible party, must give informed consent prior to actual participation in such a program(s).
A patient has the right to refuse any drugs, treatment, or procedure offered by the facility to the extent permitted by law, and the healthcare provider shall inform the patient of the consequences of the patient’s refusal of any drugs, treatments or procedures.
A patient has the right to assistance in obtaining consultation with another physician at the patient’s request and own expense.
A patient has the right to health care services without discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, sexual preference, national origin, age, or disability.
The patient has the right to be free from verbal, emotional, physical abuse and/or inappropriate sexual behavior in a safe healthful and comfortable environment.
This facility shall provide the patient, upon request, access to health information contained in his/her records, unless this is specifically restricted by the attending health care provider, or is prohibited by law.
A patient has the right to expect that the facility will provide a mechanism whereby he/she is informed prior to or upon discharge of his/her continuing healthcare requirements following discharge and the means for meeting them.
A patient has the right to express grievances or suggestions to personnel verbally or in writing. Suggestion/ Complaint forms are located in ALL patient waiting areas throughout the facility and will be directed to the attention of the Compliance Officer.