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image of multiple types of female contraceptives

Reproductive and Sexual Health 101

September is World Sexual Health Month and SNAHC would like to remind everyone of the importance of discussing reproductive and sexual health with a provider. We are all able to take charge of our health by staying informed on our rights and the services we have access to. We have

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Delta Variant Update

SNAHC encourages you and your loved ones to stay safe from the emerging COVID-19 Delta variant. According to the LA Times, 1 out of every 12 people in Sacramento County has tested positive for COVID-19. Over the past week, the county has averaged 606 new cases and 4.4 new deaths

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SNAHC Works to Combat Opioid Epidemic in AI/AN Community

We are excited to announce that the Sacramento Native American Health Center (SNAHC) has been selected to participate in the Indian Health Service Community Opioid Intervention Pilot Project: a 3-year grant program for combatting the opioid epidemic among American Indian and Alaska Native (AI/AN) people   SNAHC’s Three Rivers to

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Personal Testimony for Suicide Prevention

Vanessa Niño-Tapia (Yaqui/Yo’eme) gave us the honor of allowing us to share her personal testimony for suicide prevention, as part of the SNAHC “It’s Ok To Not Be Ok” campaign: When I was 22, I had everything to look forward to. I was accepted into graduate school, was planning my

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Family checking in

Patient Satisfaction Survey Results

Each year the Sacramento Native American Health Center asks our patients to participate in completing the CAHPS Patient Satisfaction Survey. The questions in this survey are provided by AHRQ (Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality) Generally, SNAHC has provided this survey to our patients through mail, however, due to the

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Native Youth Communications Team Lead Mental Health Campaign

May is Mental Health Awareness Month and our SNAHC Native Youth Communications Team have led in creating the SNAHC “It’s Ok To Not Be Ok” campaign! This campaign has touched city corners across Sacramento, with youth-designed ads going up at 12 convenience stores across the South Sacramento and Elk Grove

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Native Youth Ambassadors Respond to Statement Made by Rick Santorum

Statement by Native Youth Ambassador Jordan Burkart: “We birthed a nation from nothing.  I mean, there was nothing here.  I mean, yes we have Native Americans but candidly there isn’t much Native American culture in American culture,” said Rick Santorum. Former United States Senator Rick Santorum’s comment on the lack

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2021 Community Needs Assessment

The Sacramento Native American Health Center, Inc. (SNAHC) is excited to share its 2021 Community Needs Assessment (CNA), which can be accessed using the links below.  CNAs are a way to get a sense of the health priorities of the community, and SNAHC conducts them every few years to be

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